Teressa finally eating on her own. |
It was the first day (1/6/2014) of the first full week back to work after the new year when we received a call from our partners at the Rohnert Park Animal Shelter. A cat, Teressa, who we had adopted out one year prior had been relinquished to the shelter by their owners on Saturday. The cat was extremely ill and the family could not afford the necessary care required to diagnose the problem. They had taken her to the vet where she was given what they could afford, but when Teressa's condition didn't improve they took her to the shelter. They didn't know what else to do other than get her to people that could help her.
The plan was to transfer her from the RPAS shelter to FFSC, but before that was done, Dr. Leach, the RP veterinarian on site that morning agreed to take a look at Teressa who wasn't eating or drinking, had been vomiting and had diarrhea. Dr. Leach examined her and found a bit of string underneath Teressa's tongue that followed down her throat. So, we called our friends at Animal Hospital of Cotati and they agreed to get her in immediately. Dr. Jennifer Eisley with the help of Lead Tech, Tina Wright, other staff members and a consult with Dr. Alexander found that in order to remove the string from Teressa, she had to undergo an operation. In the end, about a foot of her intestine was removed along with the piece of heavy duty thread that had caused the problem and she was transferred to PetCare for overnight hospitalization and observation. Teressa received care Monday night through Wednesday a.m. when they felt it was safe to transfer her back to us.
We left the hospital with instructions from Dr. Tucker knowing that she wouldn't be "out of the woods" until Saturday or Sunday. That the possibility of the resection not "taking" which would result in a second surgery was a possibility and something we wanted to avoid at all costs! (For both Teressa and quite literally
the cost!)
So, since Wednesday (I'm writing this on Saturday), we've been giving Teressa "supportive care" in the form of fluids, medication, forced feedings (she wouldn't eat on her own), and as much attention and affection we could provide.
We also contacted the owners who had given her up to see if they would 1.) take her back once she was healed (the answer was a joyous and emphatic YES) and 2.) would they consider visiting her in hopes that contact with people she knows would help in the healing. Again, they responded enthusiastically and on Thursday visited little Teressa.
The adoptive family is Korean so there is a bit of a language barrier (for us), but the son, Sang, speaks English and we were able to communicate with him. He drove his Mother along with their 2nd cat to our offices to visit with their beloved cat "Yaong" ("meow" in Korean). As soon as they came in, Teressa was mewing and talking back to them - them, Korean - her, "cat". It was wonderful for us to see her reaction.
Teressa in her "bunky" showing off her surgery site. |
The visit was so positive we encouraged them to return the next day - which they did. On Friday while they were here, Teressa/Yaong ate on her own (a few kibbles) for the first time. She also ventured out of her kennel, sniffed around a bit
and then retreated back to the comfort of her bunky in her kennel.
Today, Saturday when she
saw me coming toward her with that syringe (to feed her) again, I think she decided “I’ve had
enough of that – I can do this by myself” and proceeded to eat her wet food, drink water and crunch on a bit of dry food too.
We’re hoping this is a sign
that she is out of the woods and will soon be going back home to the family who
love and adore her.
Again, many, many thanks …..
from all of us at Forgotten Felines, Teressa and her family to our friends at Rohnert Park Animal Shelter, Animal Hospital of Cotati, Dr. Samuel Tucker and staff at PetCare East AND most importantly to everyone who has donated to our "Fluffy Fund" so that we had the available funds to afford the care necessary to save her life.
Meow for now,