Friday, May 18, 2012

The Kittens Are Coming - The Kittens Are Coming

Well, actually I think it was Paul Revere who announced "The British are coming", but all of us here in animal land are announcing the arrival of kittens. And, darn it as much as we try all year long to prevent them.....who can resist those adorable faces?  These are two of our foster babes who were altered at our spay/neuter clinic this past week and are now up for adoption.  (Spread the word.)

This week, in addition to these darlings and their siblings looking for homes, we also took in the 2nd and 3rd feral mom with newborn kittens from Sonoma County Animal Care and Control.  (The moms had been trapped and surrendered to the shelter and subsequently had their kittens.)  These moms and babies are being fostered in large size cages by FFSC foster families.  For the first couple of weeks the foster families will only provide food, water and clean litter box to mom while she nurses and cares for her offspring.  Once the kittens start to open their eyes, then the foster parent will make more of a presence so the kittens will become familiar with people.  Sometimes Moma cat will get very protective of her kittens by standing between them and the door of the cage preventing interaction.  We've even had Mom cats swat at kittens that were attempting to approach the front of the cage to go to their human foster parent.  This can be challenging, but we also have Mom cats that will allow her kittens to be handled and socializing.  Every situation is different and our foster parents are trained to handle just about anything.

To become a foster parent, contact Laura, our Foster Program Coordinator at 576-7999 ext. 205.
To adopt from Forgotten Felines call our offices and we can help you find just what your heart desires.  Adoption Outlets:  Rohnert Park Animal Shelter - open Wednesday through Sunday.  Pick of the Litter Thrift Shop - open Monday through Saturday.  Animal Hospital of Cotati - open Monday through Saturday and Central Animal Hospital - open Monday through Saturday.

"Coming Soon Kittens"

Meow for now,

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